As the time it happens, medicine in general has had to advance for all the diseases that emerge around the world. For some diseases exist easy solutions, and for others, at the moment, there is no solution. One solution that is also used to prevent and provokes immunity opposite to the diseases, is the vaccine, that is an artificial preparation that is administered to produce or increase immunity to a particular disease. For this reason, the purpose of this essay is to show three of the main positives effects of vaccines.
The first effect and maybe the main effect, is that vaccines in the infancy, help to protect from diseases that the children can contract and affect seriously their health. In some cases if a kid contracts a serious disease can stay with defects all his life, like physical malformations, or in bad cases he can die.
The second effect is that vaccines strengthen the inmunological system and increases the defenses in people, no matter the age, the nationality or the country where they are, because vaccines are administered to all the people, in some cases financed by the state, to prevent serious diseases and to preserve human´s life.
Finally, the third effect of vaccines, is that they preserve human´s life and consequently help that the humanity continues living for many decades more as the result of attacking the diseases that exist in the world.
In conclusion, vaccines are considered one of the main inventions due to all the benefits that have brought to human´s life and all the lives that has saved throughout the years.
Sources: http://www.wikipedia.com/
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